Flapless implant is a type of implant used in dentistry. Unlike traditional implants, in flapless implant applications, the implant is placed without cutting and removing the gum. In this way, the implant application becomes less invasive and the pain and discomfort of the patients are reduced.
Flapless implant applications are used to provide an aesthetic appearance and a functional solution to patients with missing teeth. This method is frequently preferred especially for the elimination of deficiencies in the anterior tooth area.
Since flapless implant applications are less invasive than other implant methods, the healing process is faster and patients can return to their normal activities in a shorter time.
Flapless implant applications are performed by dentists using special equipment. In this method, the bone structure under the gum is firstly examined and the area where the implant will be placed is determined. Then, a channel is opened in the bone structure with the help of a special drill and the implant is placed in this channel.
Since flapless implant applications are less traumatic than other implant methods, a small amount of swelling and pain occurs in the gum. In addition, thanks to flapless implant applications, minimal bleeding occurs in the gums and it becomes easier for patients to pay attention to oral hygiene.
In our polyclinic, flapless implant applications are performed by specialists in the field of dentistry using the most up-to-date techniques and equipment. You can contact us for a healthy mouth structure and aesthetic appearance.